A place to be held, while you shed your old skin.

Life has been watching you, waiting patiently for your ripening youth.

And life needs you to become ALL of yourself.

It’s transformation will invite you to Embrace the Unknown.

Medicine lies here, in this threshold of Darkness. You are not who you once were, and are deeply longing for who you will become.

“Patience,” life whispers.

Severing from what is familiar, you embark on a Rite of Passage toward something new.

You may have chosen this journey or it may have been thrust upon you. This Passage may happen while moving through a break-up or career change, when entering motherhood, or grieving a loved one’s death.

Either way, it’s force guides you


Where it is time to unravel and


And the only thing that is known for certain…

It’s from here, where you’ll find your way home.

Are you ready?

Hi, I’m Fey!

I support my clients who are moving through life transitions, composting old ways of being, and developing the radical self-acceptance and resilience needed to freely be themselves.

Within our private sessions together, I weave and offer several modalities including:

  • Somatic Soul-Based Trauma Healing

  • Ceremony and Rites of Passage Facilitation

  • Guided Meditation & Parts Work

  • Mentorship and Coaching

These tools are offered to support a safe and embodied transition, from one phase of life to the next. From one version of Self, to another.

In choosing to heal from trauma, you are gifted the opportunity to shed layers of conditioning.

Then, you walk deeper into the expression of who you are underneath.


Signature somatic coaching sessions

In my Signature Somatic Healing Session, you are guided to connect to your Body as an instrument of intelligence and healing.

Here, you deepen your capacity to be with all parts of yourself and experience more presence within this Human Experience.


Take Action

Are you feeling the call to heal and connect with your Soul more intimately?

Schedule your first session now, or a free 15-minute phone consultation to connect!